LSA 310: Linguistic field methods
Pamela Munro | six-week course | MW 8:30 – 10:15 (no auditors)
Field Methods is an intensive, collaborative class in which you'll learn and practice techniques for analyzing the grammar of a language based primarily on data you and other class members will elicit directly from a native speaker. We will meet with our consultant both in class and in additional outside sessions. During this class, you'll acquire a body of data to which you will return throughout your career as a linguist; you'll form lasting relationships with your class colleagues; and you'll produce a valuable paper. (Don't ask what the language is! I never tell before the first class. But it will be a good one.)
Enrollment note: Enrollment limited to 12 students (no affiliates).
Schedule note: Every class member will also meet with our consultant outside of class for an additional hour on Monday or Wednesday, to be scheduled after the first class meeting.
Reading: Selected materials available online.
Prerequisites: A basic course in phonetics, and graduate-level courses in phonology and syntax, or consent of the instructor.
Areas of linguistics: Fieldwork and language documentation
Banner design by Laurie Caird