Getting to Berkeley
Most visitors to Berkeley use either the Oakland (OAK) or San Francisco (SFO) airport. The Oakland airport is closer, but SFO is larger and has more flights. Public transportation from both airports is straightforward; information on getting to Berkeley by public transportation is available at http://visitors.berkeley.edu/gethere/public_transit.shtml.
From either airport, it is also possible to get to Berkeley using a shuttle service; we recommend making a ride reservation at least 48 hours in advance. Bayporter Express Shuttle goes directly from SFO and OAK to Berkeley. The cost is $32 from SFO and $25 from OAK. Call 877-467-1800 at the airport to get a van to Berkeley. Super Shuttle also goes directly from SFO and OAK to Berkeley. The cost is $35 from SFO and $32 from OAK. Call 415-558-8500 for a van.
The cost of a taxi from SFO to Berkeley is approximately $80. The cost of a taxi from OAK to Berkeley is approximately $40.
Information on getting to UC Berkeley by car is available at http://www.berkeley.edu/visitors/traveling.html.
Institute check-in
Institute check-in for students and affiliates will take place in the Institute office, 1303 Dwinelle Hall, on the following dates and times:
Session 1: Sunday, July 5*, 3:00 — 7:00 pm; Monday, July 6, 8:00 am — 5:30 pm
Session 2: Monday, July 27, 8:00 am — 5:30 pm
(Six-week participants check in on July 5-6; Institute faculty may also check in at the dates and times above.) At check-in, you will receive registration packets and you will fill out one or two required forms. Registration packets include information about the Institute and campus resources (e.g. internet and library access) as well as other local information (e.g. bookstores, public transportation, restaurants).
*Note that most Dwinelle Hall doors are locked on Sundays. The Institute office is at the northwest corner of the building, next to an exterior door; you should enter by that door.
Housing check-in
For students living in UC Berkeley dormitories, move-in days are July 4 and 5 from 9 am to 10 pm. More information is available here:
For students or affiliates living in International House, move-in day is July 5 after 10 am for session 1, including six-week participants; for session 2, move-in day is July 26 after 10 am. There might be some flexibility in the move-in dates; contact International House for details. More information is available at http://ihouse.berkeley.edu/l/summer.html.
Banner design by Laurie Caird | Photo by Marta Piqueras-Brunet