The deadlines for fellowship applications and letters of recommendation have passed. It is no longer possible to apply for fellowships.
Students attending the Linguistic Institute may apply for fellowships; fellowship funding comes mostly from affiliate registration fees, so the number of fellowships depends on the number of registered affiliates. Fellowships cover the cost of tuition and fees, but not the cost of housing or other expenses. Fellowship applicants must be student members of the Linguistic Society of America and must register as students for all six weeks of the Institute.
To apply for fellowships, students will be asked to write a statement of purpose and identify the Institute courses they intend to take; transcripts and two letters of recommendation are also required. The application deadline is Tuesday, February 17; letters of recommendation are due on Monday, February 23.
Students applying for fellowships should choose courses through the Institute registration system, as described on our Registration page, but should not register through UC Berkeley Summer Sessions unless they are not awarded fellowships. When fellowship decisions are announced, fellowship recipients will be enrolled with no fees.
Fellowships are administered by the Linguistic Society of America; information is available at the LSA website. The on-line fellowship application is available to all student LSA members through member login.
Banner design by Laurie Caird | Photo by Joshua Marker