Student dormitories | International House | Other group housing | Private apartments and houses | Short-term visits
Institute participants have four housing options and should make arrangements as soon as possible; summer housing is hard to find in Berkeley. Note that the Linguistic Institute takes place during UC Berkeley's Summer Session D.
Student dormitories
UC Berkeley dormitories are available only to students enrolled for six weeks or in session 2. (They are not available to affiliates, or to students enrolled only in session 1.) The dormitories offer double and triple occupancy rooms in high-rise buildings near campus. A double room will cost $1965 per person (including a flexible meal plan); a triple room will cost $1650 per person. (There will also be a few single rooms, costing $2560.)
Please note: When completing the housing application, you will be asked to fill out a Housing Profile page. One question on this page is: "Please indicate if you registered with one of these IRCs, universities, or programs". You should select Linguistics Institute in order to be housed with students attending the Linguistic Institute.
International House
International House (+1-510-642-9470) is a conveniently located multi-cultural residence that offers single and double occupancy rooms. A double room will cost $1965 per person for six weeks (including 12 meals per week); Institute participants may apply for housing for six weeks or either of the three-week sessions.
Other group housing
Co-op housing (+1-510-848-1936) is available at approximately 20 different locations around Berkeley. In 2008, summer rates ranged from $430 to $620 per month for accomodation in a house, and from $407 to $895 per month for accomodation in an apartment. Co-ops typically offer three-month contracts for housing; students will need to negotiate individually with the co-op of their choice to determine if it will be possible to stay for shorter periods. (It might be economical to take a longer contract than you need even if you will not occupy a room for its whole duration.)
A privately run dormitory that may have rooms is Hillside Residence Hall. This is not affiliated with UC Berkeley; the Institute organizers have no special knowledge or experience of it.
Private apartments and houses
Private apartments or houses are an option for students or affiliates who wish to make their own arrangements. It is possible that some apartments in the Family Student Housing units may be available for summer sublet; contact Cal Housing by phone (+1-510-642-4109). Off-campus private apartments and houses can be located through two websites:
• craigslist (free public rental listings)
• Cal Rentals (rental listings for the UC Berkeley community; $20-25 fee)
Affiliates (or faculty) who wish to use Cal Rentals should register as "Newcomer/Affiliate Faculty & Staff" on the Rental Listings website, then "register online". Under "U.C. Berkeley Information" enter the following information: "Visiting Scholar"; Department = "Linguistics"; Contact Person = "Belén Flores"; Phone = "643-7224".
Students who wish to use Cal Rentals should register as "Newcomer/Affiliate Student" on the Rental Listings website, then follow the fax instructions (the documentation required is from your registration with UC Berkeley Summer Sessions), then "register online".
Short-term visits
Short-term visitors (for example, attending weekend conferences or a few days of Institute events) interested in hotel and motel accommodations will find information on the Berkeley Linguistics Society accommodations website.
Banner design by Laurie Caird | Photo by Joshua Marker