News & Updates
September 28: Many nice pictures of people and activities at the 2009 Linguistic Institute, all taken by John Ohala, are posted at his picasa web site.
August 14: The 2009 Linguistic Institute has ended. The 2011 Linguistic Institute will be hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder.
July 26: The three-week course LSA 209, Intonation and meaning, is cancelled.
July 25: Several classes have new classrooms. For a full, up-to-date list of session 2 courses with classroom assignments, see session-2-schedule.pdf. For descriptions of classroom locations, see ClassroomDirections.pdf; see classroom-map.pdf for a map highlighting classroom buildings.
July 25: The three-week course LSA 208, Indo-European language contact and prehistory, is cancelled.
July 11: Two classes have new classroooms: LSA 301, Acoustic phonetics (Richard Wright), now meets in 219 Dwinelle; and LSA 303, Austronesian and Papuan historical linguistics (Malcolm Ross), now meets in B-4 Dwinelle.
July 10: The date of the Collitz Lecture by Malcolm Ross has been moved to Monday, 10 August (at 7:30 pm in 2050 VLSB).
July 7: Two classes have new classroooms: LSA 115, Language documentation and language communities (Siri Tuttle), now meets in 370 Dwinelle Hall; and LSA 311, Morphological theory (Geert Booij), now meets in B-4 Dwinelle Hall.
July 5: A full list of office numbers and email addresses for session 1 faculty is posted at session-1-faculty-contact.pdf.
July 5: A full list of session 1 courses with classroom assignments is posted at session-1-schedule.pdf. See ClassroomDirections.pdf for descriptions of classroom locations; see classroom-map.pdf for a map highlighting classroom buildings.
June 16: The registration deadline for affiliates has now passed.
June 5: The registration deadline for international students who will need a visa has now passed.
March 20: A new conference, "Frames and Constructions: A Conference in Honor of Charles J. Fillmore", has been announced for Friday 31 July through Sunday 2 August.
March 16: The International Cognitive Linguistics Conference has been cancelled.
March 13: Student fellowship decisions have been announced (by email to all applicants).
March 2: The session 1 course LSA 137, Word classes, is cancelled.
February 24: The deadline for letters of recommendation for student fellowships has now passed.
February 18: The student fellowship deadline has passed and it is no longer possible to apply for fellowships. The deadline for letters of recommendation to be uploaded is Monday, February 23.
February 17: UC Berkeley Summer Session registration is now open for all students. We recommend that students who have applied for fellowships not finish Summer Session registration until the results of the fellowship competition are known (because you have to pay when you register through Summer Session; fellowships cover fees).
February 2: UC Berkeley Summer Session registration is now open for University of California students (registration for others will open on February 17).
February 1: The Institute website for affiliate registration and course selection, and for student course selection, is now open.
January 27: A new three-week course LSA 138, Language development in infancy and early childhood, will be taught by Daniel Swingley.
January 26: The six-week course LSA 308, Language acquisition and learning, is cancelled.
Banner design by Laurie Caird | Photo by Anne Pycha