
The three major options for accommodation during the ALT meeting, in order of expense, are the YMCA, dormitory, and hotel. Since the LSA Summer Institute will be in session, and there will be considerable demand on longer-term summer housing, ALT cnnot help people seek "crash space" with resident linguists.


2001 Allston Way, (510)848-6800; shared bathroom and shower, 4 blocks from campus.

Room prices are $39 single, $35 double.

To book, follow the instructions on this website.


We have reserved a limited number of rooms for registered ALT attendees at the Unit 3 dormitories. This is not for everyone, so the following should be noted:

The rates for dormitory accommodation are as follows:

The rooms we have reserved are limited. If interested we urge attendees to reserve as soon as possible. If you intend to stay at in the dormitory, please choose that option when completing the online registration for the conference itself.

Dorm Information

Unit 3 dorms are located at 2400 Durant (1 block west of Telegraph). The dorm website is

The Unit 3 Front Desk is located below the Dining Center and is open daily from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. The telephone number is (510) 642-5391 and should be used to relay messages and for after hours check-ins and assistance.

Checking-in: The conference clerk staff are students who live on site and will check in each guest. In addition, they will distribute room keys, meal cards and a welcome letter giving guests information about the site. The front desk telephone number, (510) 642-5391, is posted outside of each residence hall building to contact a conference clerk for those guests arriving after 11:00pm.


The city of Berkeley has a number of hotels which vary in price and proximity to the University of California. If you wish to stay in a hotel, because of demand, we urge you to make your reservations as soon as possible. We have blocked off rooms at the following hotels. When making your reservations, please mention your assosciation with the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley and the ALT8 Conference:

While we do not have any special arrangements with the following hotels, you may make reservations with them as well:

There are quite a few hotels and motels on University Avenue and on San Pablo Avenue. Some are quite cheap, but would require you to take a bus or taxi (especially at night for safety since we are a US urban environment). A taxi would cost about $8-$12, in case you want to calculate overall cost. (The closer to campus, the better the neighborhood. Higher numbers on University Avenue are closer to campus.) These hotels are listed in order of proximity to campus: